Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Saturday, 14 November 2009

Filming Log

Our group has begun to film our short film "Curiosity". We have already found a few problems that we need to resolve. we need to redo the shots with the robot moving because the robot doesn't move correctly and we need to hide how the robot is moving because the angle of the shot gives it away. Also a shot where we had a sign in the background which we feel would divert the audiences attention to what is going on in the scene. Another shot because we forgot to move the tripod out of the shot. we've done several point of view shots to give the image your seeing from the robot eyes. With these problems in mind we checked in more detail at mise en scene, shot angles for the second scene. Our group made sure this time that when the robot moves you cant see how he is moving in the shot. Checked that no equipment was left or there was anything that would detract away from the scene.

Friday, 13 November 2009

Prop list

This is a props list that we will need every time we go filming

For the Mise en Scene to stay the same we've kept several things the same:

speicifc's we used are:
Tom (actor)
Robot (prop)
Bag (prop)
Car (prop)

As we will be filming the majority of our film in school time, these things are easy to keep the same. When filming in other environments most things stay the same. We are all responsible for bringing in certain things. Tom is responsible for wearing the same clothes for filming and bringing. George is responsible for bringing in the bag prop. Matt is responsible for ensuring we have a camera to film with and brining the robot.

Evaluation of filming

In this blog entry i will evaluate our test piece of film from a previous week. We have all watched what we filmed the other week and have analysed it each saying what we liked, what we didn't like, what we think worked well and any shots we think should be added or taken out.

In our test piece of film, we filmed our opening scene of the robot being created, but we did decide to change it slightly, he was just pulled out of a draw, then we filmed one shot of the robot in the bag of his creator who walks up to a view of the city then the robot jumps out.

Overall our group was happy with the edited test piece of filming which was produced. we think the shots we choose worked well with our theme, but we think that one main type of shot was lacking heavily. this type of shot was a point of view shot we think that if these shots were added in the correct place would make not only our test peice but the whole short film look very professional.

Friday, 6 November 2009

Test shoot

This is our test video we followed our storyboard as a rough guide and worked around the restrictions we had on the day of filming. for example: room where we could film, equipment like tripods. we also filmed an extra scene to give our self's and everyone else a more focused idea of what will happen in our short film.

i will post a full analysis of this video of what went wrong, what went well, our future ideas and what we are going to do from here.