Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Sound track

As there is not a dialogue in our short film we thought that we should add music to the film. We think that in doing this it would add another dimension to the film which would make the viewer focus more on what is happening in the film.

The sound track that we chose to use is 'play' by Flunk. we chose this song because we think it fits really well with our film yet you still focus more on what is happening in the film rather than the song. We have chosen to bring the song in when the robot starts moving, to suggest that the song is sort of the robots theme music.

Ending to our film

At the end of our last storyboard the robot is at the top of the car park due to changes we had made previously in our film we only had about 30 seconds left, so we decided to make him fall off of the top of the car park, find a lighter and set him self on fire. As a group we think this is the best way to finish off of the film as the title is Curiosity. We thought that this would emphasise the the meaning behind the film.

Ancillary Tasks

In this post I am showing the two ancillary tasks that our group had to create along side the short film we created. The ancillary tasks that we chose to create were a magazine review and a magazine poster.

From Matt's blog

From Matt's blog