Monday 13 July 2009

Research into similar concepts

In this blog entry i will be looking into different texts which have similar themes to what we are thinking of using in our text. The first film we watched was city of god which is a Brazilian independent film and has a couple of transition that we are interested in as we want to create a number of similar shots and transition in our short film.

The first transition is of a teenager stood in a run down street, the grade of shot is very dull and blue which is showing that times are not very good. The camera then starts spinning anticlockwise around him as a Steadicam, there are sounds of a clock ticking in the background the shot speeds up and slows down then it fades into a shot of the character when he was younger. the grade has changed to warm oranges and yellows to represent that times are happier at that time in the past.

The next transition that's happens is still in the past will the warm yellows and oranges, the two main characters are walking along the street then a car drives along the road going the opposite way on the road in front of the camera then as the car exits the shot it has faded back to the future in the exact place as they were standing but they are in the future. the music this time is 70's music to emphasise the time period they are in. The grade is also back to the dull blues and greys.

The last transition we looked at was a different type of transition to the others we have looked at. Through out the whole scene the camera is still with an establishing shot of a room. For the rest of the scene it tells a story of what happened in the room. So different people come in the room different people fade in and out as the story goes along in different time periods, the scenery in the room changes constantly as well as the grade of the shot to dark colours to light and back to dark, and at the end it goes back to the original shot that happened at the start of the scene and carried on the story as usual.

All of the transitions that we have researched has helped us to gather ideas on what transitions we could use and by analysing them has helped us to work out how we can create them. We will now apply this in our planning and creation of our short film.

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