Tuesday 15 September 2009

Genre theory.

Genre depends on the acceptance of generic conventions. The definition of a genre or genres is A set of types/groups which any medium may be classified.
Western  Science-Fiction  Comedy
Sitcom  Quiz Show  Soap
Reggae  Drum n Base  Jazz
In each case the acknowledgement of genre depends on the acceptance of generic conventions   

 John Fiske - ‘Any one programme will bear the main characteristics of its genre, but is likely to include some from others: ascribing it to one genre or another involves deciding which set of characteristics are most important
Richard Maltby and Ian Craven- 'The success of Hollywood is reliant on the combination of predictable elements with variation'
Auteurs - A group of film makers that were considered to be particularly influential and artistic.
Edward Buscombe felt that iconography was the best way to achieve generic definitions.
Rick Altman-Genre theory presumes that viewers pre-read texts.
                        -Viewers become passive voyeurs
                        -Genres are therefore restrictive
                  -Does not acknowledge or allow for the hybrid - the blending of genres.

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